Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Staked Down With a Twig


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via The EMT Spot by Steve Whitehead on 12/6/09

Circus elephants present a containment problem. It's hard to keep a big elephant cage around wherever you go. So when baby circus elephants are trained, they are staked down to a pole with a chain. The young elephants pull and struggle against the chain for a while and then learn the limitations of the situation.

Soon the elephant can be staked down with a wooden stick. The elephant could easily break the confinement but it doesn't try. It's already learned what it can and can't do. To add further insult to the awesome, unrecognized power of the beast, by adulthood many of the elephants can be training to pull up their own stake and move it on command and then remain in the spot that they re-staked themselves too.

I think about the circus elephant staking itself down often. Mostly when I hear my colleagues and friends talk about the obstacles that prevent them from recognizing their goals. You know what I'm talking about. All that stuff we're waiting for before we can start really moving toward our vision for our life.


When I look at the awesome human potential that we carry around within us and then I consider the little, insignificant things we chose to see as barriers, I think about the elephant.

You and I, we don't need to be confined by these things any more. We don't need more money, a leadership team that understands us, a better car, a promotion, another certification, more experience, more training, a better mentor, less calls, more calls, a better shift assignment, a better partner, a better living situation or any of the other things we've been waiting for to start moving in the direction of our purpose. We don't need permission or approval either.

What we do need is to look at those things and see them for what they are; tinny twigs that we have staked ourselves too. You can't be confined by that little wooden stake. You're to big and powerful. You have, but only, to recognize that fact. And, perhaps, come to the realization that you're the one who staked yourself to the ground in the first place.

By the way, your trainers and handlers may not be too happy about it when you pull up that stake. Especially if they've been benefiting from your self-imposed confinement. So you may want to make yourself a little promise. Promise yourself that you'll never let anyone convince you that you are powerless again.


Let's talk about it: What twigs have you staked yourself too? What insignificant things have you convinced yourself are keeping you from having and doing everything you want? Do they still confine you? What are you going to do about it? I'd like to hear what you think in the comments section below.


Related Articles:

You Can't Give Away What You Don't Have

Waiting Is Serving

Get To vs. Have To

Stop Whining

Unconventional Thoughts On Emergency Services


Things you can do from here:


Saturday, December 05, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009


2/27/2010 - The Ford Center - OKLAHOMA CITY/OK
100 W Reno Ave.
Google Map It

TIME: 6:00PM

COST: $10 @ Door - No Advance Ticket

Doors open at 5:00PM
Pre-Show approx. 5:20PM
Lights Down approx. 5:55PM
Show Ends approx. 10:20PM

LINE UP: Third Day, Newsboys, NewSong, Tenth Avenue North, Fireflight, Sidewalk Prophets, Robert Pierre, Revive & Guest Speaker Tony Nolan

For More Information: 405-602-8700

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Raymond L Farrow

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.'  When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.  

'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'  


A thought occurred to me as i was taking a call the other day. Most post ictal Pt's are confused and combative right?. but why. could it be that the family , bystanders ect have been screaming in a hateful tone to "stay down" "you cant get up" " your going to go to the ()*&^*&%^&*() hospital." So i tried something. i told the mom to have the dad stop yelling at his son and had her talk to him in a calm soothing voice and guess what...... he stopped being combative calmed down. who would have thought

Sunday, May 24, 2009

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Saturday, May 23, 2009


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Raymond Mobile Device
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Raymond Mobile Device
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


this really take the ()_*&^*&%^)&(* cake "I have a scalp condition that is caused by certain races of people that causes me severe pain" i hope the pd sends "certain races" over with us on this one

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flint MIchigan Fire Dept

This is a truly disturbing report on the Flint Michigan Fire Dept. I just found out that they have gone from 130+ firefighters down to 18 and this report was back in 2005 before the staffing change. I can understand that the city has had money problems for years but most of the stuff in the report outlines a total failure of leadership from the Chief all the way down to company level. I cant even imagine running 2-6 working fires a day with only 18 firefighters. What are your thoughts on this.